Use Smscube 2 way SMS service. Individualise your interaction with your clients and reply on the spot. Your customers are able, to respond to your outgoing SMS messages. You are also able to check their messages directly.
2 way SMS service

The 2 way SMS service solution works very simply by using short or long codes. These codes are usually a few easy-to-remember digits, which allow people to respond to your messages instantly. There are absolutely no additional fees. This service allows you a complete flexibility in managing your incoming messages. You can also modify/alter or delete these received messages as per your need.
Automate your replies based on keywords, create engaging competitions & promotions, automate appointment confirmations and more…..
Begin your 2 way SMS campaign today!
Mobile Device Ownership in the UK
of British 25-34 opted in SMS campaigns
2 way SMS service is important in cases you need the recipient to send you a response SMS message after sending him out an SMS text. Another critical issue is the delivery report for SMS messages. 2-way SMS messaging is fully supported by our application, so you will also be able to receive delivery reports.
Delivery reports include important delivery information about sent messages and you can know whether the SMS arrived at the destination or not.
Close partnerships and in-house developed technology allow us to guarantee you top delivery rates and instant traffic processing. Enhanced operating features as keywords, opt in, opt out, auto responses, auto-responses and full enterprise solutions make your job easier and fruitful.
It is a fascinating, low cost, the tool for SMS marketing campaigns since it enhances the communication between you and your customers. It is time-saving, two-way – direct & much more effective than other promotional campaigns.
Start using our two-way SMS service today
hours on average, spent on mobile devices daily.